Relaunch of Bespoke Agile as an open science project..

A year later, and a lifetime away… I’m changing the focus of Bespoke Agile from consulting work to an open science project aiming to improve agile approaches to product development. From November 2019 through a few weeks ago, my time was spent on Conscious Metrics - a startup that I created to help people who care for individuals with dementia.

The Conscious Metrics project is continuing, but is now in data gathering mode. I am jump-starting the Bespoke Agile site, will add more content over time, and will organize the site into sections that can each be discussed on their own merits.

I look forward to such discussions with anyone interested in agile and process engineering - and who might benefit from shared practical approaches to product development.


The elevator pitch

Recently, I had an opportunity to give an elevator pitch at the gym... a somewhat random conversation that started as gym banter, and continued on to professional interests…

  • those good at startups are not always good at scaling

  • there are risks common to businesses

  • focus on people and outcomes over tools and orthodoxy

  • identify and mutate patterns:

    • identify a vision

    • collaborate on the next problem to solve

    • identify the dev/deploy model

    • gain consensus on feedback loops to try (ready to fail fast)

    • start cycling the various loops; start the engine

    • practice sub-patterns, agree on metrics for loops, inputs and outputs

    • integrate pattern of smallest deliverable and end-to-end to deploy

    • track feature usage and quality throughout life cycle

  • Plan in that creating software is an adaptive process, and evolutionary

    • externalities and environments can change rapidly

    • software requires maintenance throughout the life cycle

    • Most software is abandoned over time